5 Ways To Support A Loved One Who Has Bipolar Disorder

Here Are 5 Ways You Can Help Your Partner 1. Listen You may be tempted to tell your family member or friend how to “fix” their problems. But sometimes, you need to do more listening. Your loved one may just want to be heard and doesn’t want your opinion right now. Instead, tell her thatContinueContinue reading “5 Ways To Support A Loved One Who Has Bipolar Disorder”

Bipolar Disorder: Are Fluctuating Hormone Levels Making Your Symptoms Worse

Good day to my all followers and readers! As a woman menstrual cycle and PMS are things we women do not like speaking about. For me its my least favorite topic. From cramps, mood swings, sugary cravings among other symptoms. When that dreadful week is over everything is back to normal. However, this is notContinueContinue reading “Bipolar Disorder: Are Fluctuating Hormone Levels Making Your Symptoms Worse”

Misdiagnosis: Bipolar Disorder are sometimes incorrectly diagnosed.

Misdiagnosis a common concern among persons with psychiatric disorders. Imagine you’re being treated for a mental health condition you don’t have, which means you are missing out on important treatment that is meant for your disorder, the downside to this is that it can actually make your symptoms worse. Disorders bipolar disorder is mistaken forContinueContinue reading “Misdiagnosis: Bipolar Disorder are sometimes incorrectly diagnosed.”

The Journey To Recovery After A Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder diagnosis So, you have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder! And now you are wondering what’s next. As with any diagnosis of illness whether it’s a physical or mental illness, you would be stunned, scared or possibly in denial. The first thing you should do is take time to digest the information you gotContinueContinue reading “The Journey To Recovery After A Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder”

Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder

How Is Bipolar Disorder Diagnosed? One important thing to know is how mental illnesses are diagnosed and what to expect on your visit to your doctor. In order to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a mental health professional must form a diagnosis and to do this a person must first meet the diagnostic criteria forContinueContinue reading “Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder”