8 Common Regrets In Life

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels Too much time on worryingNot showing my real feelings to people I loveCaring too much about what others thinkNot following your passionNot fully living in the present and enjoying the amazing moments.Not enough travelNot dare to take risksToo little quality time with loved ones

5 Ways To Change Your Life

Change your life, create your own future one filled with your dreams and aspirations Everyone goes through life changes, and transitions which can take many forms. So how do we change our life? Start by making small changes in your daily routine. I have had a pretty busy day this week so far with myContinueContinue reading “5 Ways To Change Your Life”

Daily Inspiration [2]

You Are Stronger Than You Know Hi everyone, here are 2 inspirational quotes I wanted to share with you today. Everybody needs inspiration in their lives. I have chosen 2 quotes that inspired me today. What I look for in any quote is something that I can relate to in my life whether it wasContinueContinue reading “Daily Inspiration [2]”