Tired Of Feeling Stuck?

Are you feeling, stressed, overwhelmed or stuck? Hi all, coach Amy here Today on my blog I wanted to highlight a few things that may be keeping some of us stuck. Many times in our lives we set goals for ourselves feeling all excited but somewhere along the way we get stuck and can’t seemContinueContinue reading “Tired Of Feeling Stuck?”

What Profession Has A Major Prevalence Of Mental Illness and Why?

Which one is the profession in which there is a major prevalence of mental illnesses, and why is that? Here is something I find quite interesting, is a study done in 2018 on the profession that is said to have a major prevalence of mental illness. At first when I was first asked this questionContinueContinue reading “What Profession Has A Major Prevalence Of Mental Illness and Why?”

Psychologists and Psychiatrists: What’s The Difference?

Ever wondered what is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist? What services do each of them provide? What educational background or training is required to become a psychologist or psychiatrist? Well today in blog I have created here an outlook on what’s the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist to help people getContinueContinue reading “Psychologists and Psychiatrists: What’s The Difference?”

5 Ways To Worry Less

The effect of worrying comes along with anxiety and an overwhelming feeling of being stuck. Stuck in a pattern that can make us sick. We all have been at this stage in over lives, where we overgeneralize and worry. In the past I have found myself stuck in with my biggest fears, where i’m weighingContinueContinue reading “5 Ways To Worry Less”

Main Symptoms Of Dependent Personality Disorder

People who suffer from DPD feel an excessive and persistent need to be taken care of. Which often results in submissive and clingy behavior. As always I advise anyone who are experiencing signs or symptoms of any mental illness or if you feel something isn’t right, please seek the aid or help of a mentalContinueContinue reading “Main Symptoms Of Dependent Personality Disorder”