Rewired Brain: Learn New Ways Of Thinking & Feeling.

rewiring the brain Hi Everyone, Today my blog post is on Rewiring the Brain. I personally believe that our mindset is everything, it can make you or break you. But how great it will be if we can master our own mindset and stop being a prisoner of our thoughts and feelings. Yesterday I cameContinueContinue reading “Rewired Brain: Learn New Ways Of Thinking & Feeling.”

5 Lies We Tell Ourselves

Photo by Vlad Bagacian from Pexels 1. That person….. has it so much easier than me. So many people believe this. But it’s simply not true. The truth is, you have no idea what that person’s life is about! Everyone is exploring and struggling in their own way.  Nobody was handed a manual or an instruction guide forContinueContinue reading “5 Lies We Tell Ourselves”


Hi everyone, today we explore ways to rewire the mind. I have included a video by Dr. Joe Dispenza, he explains the fastest ways to REWIRE the mind. Also, I have listed five ways to rewire your mind. If or when you decide to try these steps always remember practicing is essential, especially when performingContinueContinue reading “REWIRE YOUR MIND”