What is Learned Helplessness and How to Reverse it?

I believe that it is possible to reverse learned helplessness  What is Learned Helplessness? The learned helplessness is a psychological prison where the person thinks that nothing of what he can do can change the circumstances. In this way he remains trapped in the past, accepting his role as a victim. In some cases, theContinueContinue reading “What is Learned Helplessness and How to Reverse it?”

Household Chores Could Help Fight Depression

How many of you thought of doing household chores to fight depression? Not me! Personally chores are my least favourite thing but we don’t do them who will. For many years researchers and mental health professionals all try to find different ways to help people suffering with depression to cope. Studies have shown that householdContinueContinue reading “Household Chores Could Help Fight Depression”